miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

Talk About the Movies and Actors

The Best: A Beautiful Mind I enjoyed it, because i like MATH (calculus) and i loved the way that Russel Crawe expresses himself as Jhon Nash and how he beat his SCHIZOPHRENIA.

The Worts: Patch Adams. I don't like any of his movies (Robin Williams) and specially this one because he is a clown wanna-be and he is not funny at all.

Best Actor and Actress: Johnny Depp; i like him because of him mysterious personality and his greats performances in movies of Tim Burton's direction, which are also great.

Angelina Jolie; she is and excelent actress and mother and she was also named a menber of the UN and perhaps one of the SEXIEST woman alive.

Prof. Ricardo Mavares (English VI "Speaking")
Section: E-611

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